Up to what spindle pitch do preloaded double nut units (MM – version) make sense?

Preloaded double nut units (MM – version) make sense up to the maximum “square” (e. g.: 2020, 2525, etc.). Higher spindle pitch won’t allow a correct adjustment of the preload. The permissible spindle pitch tolerance might cause (undefined) fluctuations of the preload.

Can spindle supports be silenced?

Yes. Chose “Spindle support with noise reduction”. The additional length is respective to the size (see catalogue). All Delta SSS are designed to make additional length for 2 spindle supports (SA) redundant. All spindle supports (SA) among the Delta series will be equipped with noise reduction rings form now on. The total length will remain unchanged. Attention should be paid to the respective SA – table listed in the catalogue.

How much speed can spindle units be operated with?

The maximum permitted speed is bounded by:

  1. The permitted spindle-/ nut unit speed  
  2. The length of the unsupported spindle and its rotation speed

The respective values can be extracted from the speed diagram shown in the catalogue. They are also indicated in the offer and order confirmation.

On what does the accuracy of our spindle units depend?

   1.   Positioning accuracy

         Pitch variation of the spindle, temperature conditions, axial play of the threaded nut

   2.   Repeatability

         Axial play of the threaded nut

What does buckling resistance mean?

(Download PDF buckling strength)

What does rotation speed mean?

(Download PDF critical revolution)

What has to be taken into account when using a short stroke application with ball screw gear?

The ball screw gear has to do at least two full rotations. (Thus, the thread pitch has to be as small as possible).

What axial play do the ball screw gear nuts have?

Single nut with a pitch of 5 mm and 10 mm è ca. 0,04 to 0,06 mm
Single nut with a pitch of 20 mm and 25 mm è ca. 0,06 to 0,08 mm
Single nut with a pitch of 40 mm and 50 mm è ca. 0,08 to 0,15 mm

Single nut with minimal play and a pitch of 5 mm and 10 mm è ca. 0,02 mm1
Single nut with minimal play and a pitch of 20 mm and 25 mm è ca. 0,02 to 0,04 mm
Single nut with minimal play and a pitch of 40 mm and 50 mm è ca. 0,03 to 0,08 mm

All nuts can be made free of play when selecting the respective ball size.1 This will, however, have a negative impact on lifetime and operating behaviour.

Preloaded double nuts are free of play and can be preloaded differently. It has to be taken into account, that the preload reduces the lifetime.


1 Not with a nominal diameter of 12 mm

How accurate are the ball screw spindles, used in HSB – linear units?

Standard pitch accuracy T7 is 52 µm/300 mm (see DIN 69051, T3). Ball screw spindles of higher accuracy are possible on request.

Ball screw gear accuracy classes DIN 69051, part 3 (maximal lead deviation per 300 mm spindle length):

T 9 = 0,130 mm / 300 mm
T 7 = 0,052 mm / 300 mm
T 5 = 0,023 mm / 300 mm
T 3 = 0,012 mm / 300 mm

How high is the repeatability of the HSB – linear units with trapezoidal screw gear?

The repeatability of the linear units with trapezoidal screw gear (new condition) is ± 0,1mm.

On what does the accuracy of our toothed belt drive units depend?

   1.   Positioning accuracy

         Graduation precision of the toothed belt, length of the toothed belt (elongation), friction conditions, tooth clearance of the synchronised pulley, temperature conditions

   2.   Repeatability

         Tooth clearance of the synchronised pulley

What has to be taken into account when laying out linear units?

Design criteria for linear units and systems.

To make a reasonable specification of units possible, following aspects have to be clarified with the (prospective) customer:

   1.   General information

What will the unit/ system be used for?

  • E.g.: workpiece handling; extracting turned parts out of machines and placing them in boxes
  • E.g.: package handling; extracting packages out of packaging machines and stacking them onto palettes
  • And a detailed description of the work process

   2.   Technical data

  • Moving mass
  • Desired accuracy (absolute – or repeatability)
  • Demanded stiffness (subjective customer evaluation)
  • Stroke
  • Speed
  • Desired acceleration
  • Driving profile
  • Desired number of cycles
  • Duty cycle/ shift operation
  • Desired lifetime


         The particulars for speed and acceleration may be waived, if the driving profile and the number of cycles are specified together with the downtime.

   3.   Installation conditions

        How will the unit be installed?

  • Horizontal/ vertical – slide on top/ underneath/ lateral
  • How many times can the unit be mounted onto the framework?
  • Does the unit have to be of inherent rigidity?

    E.g.: selfsupporting gantry unit, mounted twice, free distance 3000 mm. 

   4.   Environmental conditions

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Dirt accumulation

         These particulars can also be described as e.g.:

  • Laboratory conditions
  • Clean room
  • Normal workshop environment
  • Chips / emulsion zone of a tooling machine

   5.   Drawing/sketch

        Drawing/ sketching the application is very useful. To make proper use of the drawing/ sketch, it has to be readable and interpretable unambiguously.

  • Reasonable scale, readable text
  • Labelling the view (frontal view, top views, etc.)
  • Sketching the unit together with the framework it will be mounted onto

   6.  Special features

         Specification of special features: e.g.: the customer desires an especially strong/ stiff version. All specifications need to be communicated in writing within the first request
        (preferably per email), to avoid unnecessary queries. 

  7.   Unknown operating states

        Time and again it happens that units are damaged or destroyed by abnormal operating states such as emergency stop, set-up operation, or the clamping of workpieces.

        While functioning in automatic mode, the load is constant. Abnormal operating states however exercise great forces that lead to damage or destruction of the unit.

        For this reason, it is of great importance to be aware of any possible operating states.  The customer will then determine how much security to factor in.

        (Download PDF technical data for the design of linear modules)

How great is the tooth clearance of the synchronised pulley?

  • Partitioned by 5: 0,1 mm
  • Partitioned by 10: 0,2 mm
  • Partitioned by 20: 0,4 mm

How high is the toothed belt pretension of the respective HSB – linear units?

See the files attached.

(Download PDF toothed belt tension Gamma ASx)

(Download PDF toothed belt tension Gamma ZSSD)

(Download PDF toothed belt tension Gamma ZSS)

(Download PDF toothed belt tension Delta Z..)

(Download PDF toothed belt tension Beta Z..)

(Download PDF toothed belt tension Beta A..)

(Download PDF toothed belt tension Sigma ZRS)

(Download PDF toothed belt tension Sigma ARx)

(Download PDF toothed belt tension Sigma ZRSD)

HSB Automation GmbH gives recommendations for the drive motors (and possibly gearboxes). These are to be checked by the supplier when an order is placed. The motor and gearbox design at HSB is based on our many years of experience in this area. Maximum load, average load, dynamic parameters and duty cycle are taken into account. This occasionally means that motors and / or gears can absorb significantly more power than the linear unit driven by them. It is therefore imperative that the torques of such drives are limited to the maximum permissible input torque of the linear unit via the settings in the servo amplifier or in another way. This ensures that the unit is not overloaded even in the event of an emergency stop or other unknown operating states. As a rule, the Category 1 emergency stop strategy (targeted braking to a standstill, then switch off) is selected for automation equipment with moving masses. A simple emergency stop strategy does not usually make sense because the moving masses can cause damage. The commissioning is expediently carried out at a low speed so that any errors in the programming do not lead to serious damage to the linear module and / or the add-on parts. The in our linear modules built in  end position dampers and stop buffers serve to protect the unit at low speeds (commissioning). They are definitely not intended to completely protect the unit from damage at high speed and/or large mass.

Can all maximum loads occur at the same time when using a HSB-linear unit?

No. When combining the load, the individual loadings have to be reduced accordingly.

Are different values in the event of an emergency stop applicable, than listed in the catalogue?

No. The catalogue indicates the maximal levels of stress, that cannot be exceeded under any circumstances.

Is it possible to connect HSB-linear units to oil-central lubrications?

In general, HSB advises against connecting linear units to an oil-central lubrication unit since in some cases, a sufficient lubrication of installed components like guide and screw gear cannot be guaranteed.

All HSB-linear units with rail guide are designed for grease lubrication. HSB recommends single-point and multi-point grease lubrication systems (e.g.: Perma) as permanent lubrication.

When connecting the linear unit to an oil-central lubrication, following aspects have to be taken into account:

  • The dosing units of the oilcentral lubrication have to be available external.
  • Generally, additional drain holes in the base profile of the linear unit are required since the oil lubrication is a loss/ and circulation lubrication. The oil can then be collected and returned into the lubrication circulation.

Linear units with recirculating ball bearing guide

  • When installed horizontal with the slides on top, single rail units can be used without further modifications.
  • Tworail linear units and single-rail linear units installed in any other way than described above, have to be modified, so that all guide carriages and the screw gear can be lubricated internally. 

Linear units with roller guide

  • Linear units with roller guides can only be operated horizontal with the carriage plate on top.

Are the HSB-linear units free of silicon?

Manufacturer information on the silicone-free nature of the materials we use can be found in the attached document.

(Download PDF absence of silicones)

Can HSB-linear units be made explosion-proof? (according to 2014/34/EU (ATEX))

Our Beta and Delta linear units with rail guides and roller guides can be used in explosive range. They can serve in the equipment group II, category 2 (zone 1 gas, zone 21 dust) and category 3 (zone 2 gas, zone 21 dust). When ordering, the desired Atex category must be described as listed below according to the declaration of conformity.

We can deliver the declaration of conformity for:

  • II 2G Ex h IIB T4 Gb -10°C ≤ Ta ≤ +60°C for zone 1 (gas atmosphere)
  • II 2D Ex h IIIC T130°C Db -10°C ≤ Ta ≤ +60°C for zone 21 (dust atmosphere)
  • II 3G Ex h IIB T4 Gc -10°C ≤ Ta ≤ +60°C for zone 2 (gas atmosphere)
  • II 3D Ex h IIIC T130°C Dc -10°C ≤ Ta ≤ +60°C for zone 22 (dust atmosphere)

The following documents are available for you to download:

Our linear units HSB-beta® and HSB-delta® (except for the sliding guides) are available according to Atex. However, these changes must be made or observed:

  • antistatic cover band made of Valflon
  • potential equalization drilling in the profile
  • only scrapper sheet possible
  • maximum speed 1 m/s
  • conductive toothed belt made of TPUAS7
  • potential equalization drilling in the carriage
  • air barrier in the dust area
  • with central lubrication maximum speed 2 m/s
  • internal parts are not coated or anodized
  • no wiper felts for roller guides
  • no sliding guide
  • no limit switches
  • no spindle support
  • no lenghtwise sealing
  • no deflection belt drive
  • no end position dampers for spindle axes


Can our HSB linear units be used in ESD areas?

HSB linear units of the Beta, Delta and Gamma series are manufactured for the ESD area according to the ATEX standard, since grounding is an essential part of the ATEX approval. The potential equalization drilling thread is marked accordingly.

What has to be taken into account when laying out the gear?

Lately, there have been discrepancies on how to lay out the gear. We would therefore like to point the following out:

  • Our gear calculations are rough estimates.
  • Efficiencies and idle torques have to be factored in. Bear in mind, that the idle torques of accessories like the gear have to be taken into account, as well.
  • The offer and the order confirmation have to state that the calculation is a rough estimate.  The customer has to arrange the layout of the gear with the motor supplier, based on e.g. the following apodosis: 

    “Reference: Please bear in mind, that this is a rough estimate. Due to the different performance characteristics of motors, please arrange the layout of the gear with your motor supplier.”

We will provide our customer with the data regarding the efficiencies and idle torques of our scope of delivery.

Since the frictional torque of bearings and seal rings is exceptionally great for small performances, it can be expected, that bevel gears have an idle torque and an efficiency.
It is for this reason, that V090 can indeed have an idle torque of 1 Nm. Furthermore, the efficiency varies greatly depending on the temperature (60% to 95%).

(Download PDF idle torque KRG test)

Things to take into account for short stroke applications.

Short stroke applications require the guide carriages to be equipped with two lubrication ports. Because of this, the feasibility of the application must be verified.

Additionally, special attention must be paid to the recommended lubrication intervals.

(Download PDF short stroke)

If and when a ball screw is used, the stroke must be at least two times (2x) the length of the ball screw nut. If this is not the case, consultation is mandatory.

(Download PDF cylindrical ball-screw-nuts HSB (KGM-M))
(Download PDF ball-screw-flanged-nuts HSB (KGM-F))
(Download PDF double-nuts HSB (KGM-MM und KGM-FM))

What covers are used on the rails of the rail guides?

Standardly, HSB uses plastic cover flaps to cover up the holes. Upon request, the customer can opt for metal or steel cover flaps. However, both options require special rails => longer delivery time, higher cost.

What ball rail guides does HSB use?

Standardly, “Bosch-Rexroth” is the circulating ball bearing system. However, upon request we will use THK. See the file attached for a table showing the adjusted load ratings for the respective “Rexroth”-guide compared to the previous “THK”-guide. 

(Download PDF guidance systems overview)

What linear units can be glued together to serve as double or triple units?

In general, all HSB-Beta® linear units with single rail guides can be modified as double or triple units.

How does HSB define stainless versions?

External/ visible parts stainless

  • All external standard parts (= screws, pins, keys, circlips) stainless
  • Slot nuts/ grooved bar stainless
  • Adjusting nut coated
  • All external aluminium parts anodized
  • Standard gear shaft, since it is covered by the motor bell or the angle belt gear and therefore not visible

Inner parts stainless

  • All inner standard parts (= screws, pins, keys, circlips) stainless
  • Synchronous pulley made of aluminium (see below for VA)
  • VA drive shaft (only for version with toothed belt drive)
  • All inner aluminium parts anodized
  • Rollers made of VA

    *Please note:
    We use standard ball bearings for the fixed bearing- and belt gear bearings.

    The ratio of load rating to screw gear would not make sense, as the VA-ball bearings have a low load rating. See below if you wish to opt for stainless ball bearings.

    Rail guide and ball screw gear are  > NOT < stainless.

    See below if you wish to opt for stainless.

Synchronised pulley stainless

  • synchronised pulley made of VA

Ball bearing stainless

  • Fixed ball bearing/belt gear ball bearing stainless

Guide rail/-carriage stainless

  • Guide rail and guide carriage chromed (Duralloycoating)
  • Screws stainless

Ball screw gear stainless

  • Ball screw gear coated

How accurate are the aluminium base profiles of HSB-linear units, compact linear units and linear tables?

Profile accuracy:

  • Raw Betaprofiles:
  • Standard = 0,5 mm/1000 mm; selected = 0,3 mm/1000 mm
  • Processed Alpha and Delta-profiles:
  • Standard = 0,1 mm/1000 mm; highprecision = 0,05 mm/1000 mm
  • Gamma and Sigma-Profiles:
    Standard = 0,5 mm/1000 mm

How are the respective accuracies defined?

The total accuracy, an object can be placed with, depends on a series of factors describing the respective axis:

  • Slide movement straightness in height and lateral
  • Slide movement rotation through pitch angle and yaw angle
  • Squareness of the individual units to one another
  • Position accuracy in feed direction of the individual units with the parameters:
    - Position tolerance
    - Reversal range
    - Position dispersion

The repeatability, position-, and running accuracy are regulated by the VDI-Guideline VDI/DGQ 3441.

Can HSB-linear units with ball guiding rail systems be equipped with clamp systems?

Yes. A variety of systems (e.g.: Hema or Zimmer) can be used. More information on request.

What is the tightening torque of the shaft-hub connection tensioning screws?

See the files attached for the screw tightening torque.

(Download PDF KTR-250)

(Download PDF KTR-105)

What torques can the standard deflection belt drive (URT) transmit?

See the file attached for the torques.

(Download PDF torque URT)

How strongly does the toothed belt of the deflection belt drive (URT) need to be preloaded?

The preload of the toothed belt depends on the transmitted torque. See the file attached for the calculation.

(Download PDF toothed belt tension URT)

What is the tightening torque of the joint shaft clamping set?

The tightening torque is engraved on one of the hexagonal surfaces.

(Download PDF GX clamping elements KTR 131)

What are the coupling’s and the joint shaft´s moments of inertia?  

See the file attached for the corresponding data.

(Download PDF mass moment of inertia for connecting elements)

What limit switch versions are there?

EO2 (Kissling L408.2115.25) ind. limit switch opener with 2 m cable length

(Download PDF limit switch EO2 - Kissling L408.2115.25)

EO2 (Sick-HSB 33003) ind. limit switch opener mit 2 m cable length
(Download PDF Endschalter EO2 - Sick-HSB 33003)

EO10 (Kissling L408.2116.25) ind. limit switch opener with 10 m cable length

(Download PDF limit switch EO10 - Kissling L408.2116.25)

ES2 (Kissling L408.2117.25) ind. limit switch turnkey with 2 m cable length

(Download PDF limit switch ES2 - Kissling L408.2117.25)

ES2 (Sick-HSB 33005) ind. limit switch turnkey mit 2 m cable length

(Download PDF Endschalter ES2 - Sick-HSB 33005)

ES10 (Kissling L408.2118.25) ind. limit switch turnkey with 10 m cable length

(Download PDF limit switch ES10 - Kissling L408.2118.25)

EMB (BALLUFF 819-100-R10 STANDARD) mech. limit switch

(Download PDF limit switch EMB - BALLUFF 819-100-R-10 STANDARD)

EMS (SIEMENS 3SE2200-1F STANDARD) mech. limit switch

(Download PDF limit switch EMS - Siemens EMS 3SE2200-1F STANDARD)

What parameters are influencing the switching distance of inductive proximity switches?

The switching distance is the distance between an approaching metal part and the active surface where the signal change is released. The switching distance depends on:

  • Approach direction
  • Size
  • Metal part material
  • Thermal fluctuations

Following correcting factors have to be taken into account:

  • Steel (St 37) 1,00 x Sn
  • Brass 0,350,50 x Sn
  • Copper 0,250,45 x Sn
  • Aluminum 0,35 – 0,50 × Sn
  • Stainless steel 0,60 – 1,00 × Sn

Sn = Rated Operating Distance

Which cover band versions are available?

PAS-100-cover band

The standard cover strips come in the colors blue and black. At high temperatures (>+40°C), the black cover strips are more temperature-stable and expand less linearly.

Download PDF PAS-100-cover band - safety datasheet

Download PDF PAS-100-cover band - material datasheet


VALFLON-F-cover band

The Valflon-cover band has a wide temperature range. It can be used on low temperature applications (up to -30°C), as well as high temperature applications (up to +120°C). It can even stand more extreme temperatures and is e.g. resistant to weld spatters.

(Download PDF Valflon cover band)

How high are the standard bevel gear idle torques?

(Download PDF idle torques KRG test)

Can sliding blocks be installed subsequently?

You will find an overview of the sliding blocks in our general catalogue under the respective product group (fastening).

What kind of sliding blocks are there?

(Download PDF overview sliding blocks)

What is the tightening torque of the clamping ring hub tensioning screws of the couplings?

(Download PDF operating and assembly instructions Rotex GS)

How does HSB define wear parts?

   1.   Always:

  • Cover strip and the respective reverse units like lifting roll, pressure roller, reverse bearing, pins.
  • Inner carriage plate abrasion. Over time, our cover strips can lose tension, causing the cover strip to rub against the carriage plate resulting in abrasion. This can be recognized by the aluminumabrasion signs on the cover strip. Adjusting the cover strip tension can help.
  • Bellows

   2.  In case, the lifetime of moving parts is reached or exceeded because of a certain application (cycle number and/or load), or there is excessive abrasion (environmental
        influences, shocks, unknown operating states):

  • In this case, the lifetime has to be calculated
  • Toothed belt, synchronised pulley, ball bearing
  • Ball-/trapezoidal-threaded spindle, ball-/trapezoidal-threaded nut, fixed-/movable bearing, spindle support
  • Steel belts and rollers of our roller guide
  • Guide rail and guiding carriage of our ball guiding rail
  • Sliding guide/ supporting sliding guide (SGV)

What has to be taken into account, when dismantling the carriage plates?

The grease nipples, O-rings and the lubrication ducts have to be removed from the carriage plates. See the file attached for the corresponding data.

(Download PDF lubrication)

What do the indications at the lubrication points of carriage and carriage plate mean?

F” indicates grease lubrication of the recirculating ball bearing system.
S” indicates grease lubrication of the screw drive.
O” indicates oil lubrication of the roller guides.

What lubrication connecting bore do the linear units have?

(Download PDF mounting holes lubrication)

Which lubricants can be used to relubricate the HSB linear units?

Basically, we recommend greases that are suitable for rolling bearing applications (ball bearings, recirculating ball bearing guides, etc.).

If the linear units are initially greased with our standard grease Klüberplex BE 31-102, however, attention should be paid to the miscibility of the greases. Here, the base oils and the thickener systems should match each other in order to exclude negative effects.

What is HSB’s standard grease and what is its miscibility?

  • Klüberplex BE 31-102

See the file attached for the miscibility.
(Download PDF Klüberplex-BE-31-102)

What are the re-lubrication intervals and -quantities of the ball screw drives?

The re-lubrication intervals of the ball screw drives depend on the slope and the spindle-diameter.

The initial lubrication is performed using Klüberplex BE 31-102.

When using other lubrications, attention should be paid to the manufacturer specifications.

Lubrications with solid lubricant (e.g. Graphit or MoS2) cannot be used.

(Download PDF lubrication KGT)
(Download PDF Klüberplex-BE-31-102)
(Download PDF HSB maintenance instructions)

What are the re-lubrication intervals and -quantities of the recirculating ball bearing systems?

The re-lubrication interval is approx. 5000 km for all guide carriages sizes and depends on various factors e.g. operating temperature, load, and the degree of contamination.

See the table for the lubrication quantity of the respective guide carriage.

The initial lubrication is performed using Klüberplex BE 31-102.

When using other lubrications, attention should be paid to the manufacturer specifications!

Lubrications with solid lubricant (e.g. Graphit or MoS2) cannot be used.

See the files attached for the corresponding data.

(Download PDF lubrication interval and amount recirculating ball bearing guide)
(Download PDF Klüberplex-BE-31-102)
(Download PDF HSB maintenance instructions)

What are the lubrication intervals for oil lubrications of ball rail guides?

(Download PDF lubrication of the Bosch-Rexroth ball guiding rail)