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Mechanical linear units, such as our HSB-beta® and HSB-delta® series, are functional assemblies that consist of the following main elements: Support profile, guide and drive.
The basic profiles that we use for all HSB series are developed and designed to meet the special requirements of linear technology. They are inherently rigid and hold the guide and the drive.
For our linear units with the special HSB roller guide, hard steel bands are inserted into the designated chambers of the profile. The corresponding guide plates fitted with rollers are individually adapted to your application and ensure very good running properties, largely free of backlash.
The guide rails are aligned and screwed into the profiles of our linear units with ball guiding rails. The stability and rigidity of our linear units is ensured via suitable threaded rails.
Our linear units with toothed belt drive are supplied with drive and inverter housings in the same design at both ends of the profile. This ensures maximum flexibility in use. The toothed belt is guided in grooves on both sides and thus covers the interior of the linear unit.
The linear units equipped with our HSB ball screw drives have a powerful fixed bearing with drive shaft and a movable bearing at the end of the spindle. Low backlash individual nuts or pre-tensioned double nut systems can be used double nut. Our proven spindle support system enables high spindle speeds for our linear units, even with larger strokes.
Our cover band system reliably protects the interior of our linear units against contamination and penetration by parts. Different colours and designs are available.