05 mm Idle torque at drive pinion: 10.0 Nm Rack and pinion: Module 3 helical Drive pinion: Module 3, 20 teeth Stroke per revolution: 200 mm DynaGear D115 Ratios: 5 / 10 / 15 Servo-High-performance-gear:Forces [...] and two mounting plates ** depending on gear ratio (see table to right) D115 Dynamic [N] i = 5:1 7500 i = 10:1 i = 15:1 5000 Load FX Efficiency of gears: > 96 % Release: 12.11.2020 Page GS1 Portal Linear
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(400) Technische Daten ZSS ± 0,08 mm 5,50 Nm Geschwindigkeit max.: Beschleunigung max.: Wiederholgenauigkeit: Leerlaufdrehmoment: 2,00 ·10-2 kgm² Zahnriemen 50 AT10-E Trägheitsmoment: Antriebselement: 150 [...] 150 mmVerfahrweg pro Umdrehung: 60 m/s² 5,00 m/s Mx My Mz Momente dynamisch [N] 4500 6000 (8500) 4500 (6400) Fx Fy Fz Kräfte dynamisch [N] 2500 6000 12000 ZSS -Fz 8000 c) 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 [...] 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 0,00 1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 5,00 Verfahrgeschwindigkeit [m/s] F X [N ] Fx-v-Diagramm Gewichte ZSS 27,00 kg 3,40 kg Basis ohne Verfahrweg: Verfahrweg je 100 mm: Schlitten kpl
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20000 20000 Moments Dynamic [Nm] 4000 8000 8000 FX FY FZ MX MY MZ D90 D115 Dynamic [N] i = 5 :1 4000 7500 i = 10 :1 i = 15 :1 3000 5000 Load FX Preferred gear: D115 Technical Data AZSH Max. speed: 4.50 m/s [...] helical Drive pinion: Module 3, 20 teeth Stroke per revolution: 200 mm DynaGear D90 / D115 Ratios: 5 / 10 / 15 Idle torque at drive pinion: Servo-high-performance- gear: Efficiency of gears: > 96 % Total [...] length without stroke: 53.90 kg* 100 mm stroke: 4.80 kg Carriage 550 mm: 21.60 kg Gears D90 / D115: 10.35 / 16.65 kg Max. total length: 8020 mm Forces and moments (longer on request) with rack-and-pinion
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20000 20000 Moments Dynamic [Nm] 4000 8000 8000 FX FY FZ MX MY MZ D90 D115 Dynamic [N] i = 5:1 4000 7500 i = 10:1 i = 15:1 3000 5000 Load FX Preferred gear: D90 Efficiency of gears: > 96 % Technical Data [...] 20 teeth Stroke per revolution: 200 mm Servo-high-performance-gear: DynaGear D90 / D115 Ratios: 5 / 10 / 15 Idle torque at drive pinion: Total length = Stroke Stroke deep deep de ep deep * inclusive standard [...] length without stroke: 52.70 kg* 100 mm stroke: 4.80 kg Carriage 550 mm: 20.40 kg Gears D90 / D115: 10.35 / 16.65 kg Max. total length: 8020 mm Forces and moments (longer on request) with rack-and-pinion
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revolution Stroke Total length Accessories EO2 / EO10 = Inductive limit switch NC with 2m / 10m cable fitted ES2 / ES10 = Inductive limit switch NO with 2m / 10m cable fitted EMS / EMB = Mechanical limit switch [...] = Sliding block 5 .. 17 (see Table on page G27) Special design 0 = Standard 1 = Special (add specification description) Additional information Gear size and ratio (D55 to D115 / i = 5 to i = 15) Gear mounting
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speed: 8.00 m/s 5.00 m/s Max. acceleration: 60 m/s² Repeat accuracy: ± 0.08 mm Idle torque: 3.50 Nm Moment of inertia: Drive element: Stroke per revolution: 300 mm 3.50 ∙10-2 kgm² 3.70 ∙10-2 kgm² Toothed [...] 0,00 1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 5,00 6,00 7,00 8,00 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 Mechanical Linear Drive Beta 110-ARS-ASS ARS ASS Forces Dynamic [N] 2000 2000 3000 5000 8000 2500 4000 Moments Dynamic [Nm] 300 [...] Toothed belt 50 AT10-E Forces and moments d) Maximum value (see diagram “FX-v-Diagram”) For mechanical linear drives with roller guide, the static load rating “Cstat” (page TL 11) applies for static loads. FX
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mm: Max. total length: ZSS 5.00 m/s 60 m/s² ± 0.08 mm 180 mm Technical Data Max. total speed: Max. acceleration: Repeat accuracy: Idle torque: 5.50 Nm Moment of inertia: 2.60 ∙10-2 kgm² Drive element: Toothed [...] 0,00 1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 5,00 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 ZSS 25.50 kg 2.75 kg 9.80 kg 14.00 kg 8000 mm Weights Basic length without stroke: 100 mm stroke: Entire carriage 280 mm: Entire [...] Toothed belt 60 AT L10 Stroke per revolution: ZSS Forces Dynamic [N] 3800 6000 12000 8000 Moments Dynamic [Nm] 4500 6000 (8500) 4500 (6400) Fxd) FY FZ -FZ MX MY MZ d) Maximum value (see diagram “FX-v-Diagram”)
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total length: 3000 mm ZSS 5.00 m/s 60 m/s² ± 0.08 mm 150 mm Technical Data Max. total speed: Max. acceleration: Repeat accuracy: Idle torque: 5.50 Nm Moment of inertia: 2.00 ∙10-2 kgm² Drive element: Toothed [...] 0,00 1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 5,00 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 Weights ZSS Basic length without stroke: 27.00 kg 100 mm stroke: 3.40 kg Entire carriage 280 mm: 9.80 kg Entire [...] Toothed belt 50 AT 10-E Stroke per revolution: Forces and moments ZSS Forces Dynamic [N] 2500 6000 12000 8000 Moments Dynamic [Nm] 4500 6000 (8500) 4500 (6400) Fxd) FY FZ -FZ MX MY MZ d) Maximum value (see
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(rotatory) Drive element: Stroke per revolution: 150 mm 1.27 ∙10-4 kgm² Toothed belt 32 AT5-E Total length = Stroke Stroke 14 deep 10 deep 10 deep w ith fe at he r k ey 1 0 de ep 12 d ee p Page S7 Release: [...] 1100 1200 1300 with toothed belt drive and roller guide (ARS) Weights ARS Basic length without stroke: 5.75 kg 100 mm stroke: 0.64 kg Entire carriage 150 mm: 3.60 kg Max. total length: 8000 mm Forces and moments
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Wiederholgenauigkeit: Leerlaufdrehmoment: 1,20 ·10-2 kgm² Zahnriemen 75 AT10 Trägheitsmoment: Antriebselement: 220 mmVerfahrweg pro Umdrehung: 60 m/s² 5,00 m/s Mx My Mz Momente dynamisch [N] 3500 4300 [...] dynamisch [N] 6000 5000 8000 ZSS -Fz 5000 c) 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 0,00 1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 5,00 Verfahrgeschwindigkeit [m/s] F X [N ] Fx-v-Diagramm Gewichte ZSS 25,00 kg 2,00 kg Basis ohne Verfahrweg: [...] Verfahrweg je 100 mm: Schlitten kpl. 250 mm: Schlitten kpl. 400 mm: Gesamtlänge max.: 2000 mm 8,20 kg 10,50 kg Kräfte und Momente +Mz +Fz +My +Fy +Mx +Fx a) Werte in Klammern gelten für lange Schlittenplatte
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