Wiederholgenauigkeit: Leerlaufdrehmoment: 3,50 ·10-2 kgm² Zahnriemen 50 AT10-E Trägheitsmoment: Antriebselement: 240 mmVerfahrweg pro Umdrehung: 3,70 ·10-2 kgm² Seite B28Stand: 28.08.2024 mit Zahnriementrieb [...] in Klammern beziehen sich auf lange Schlittenplatte (380) Gewichte ARS ASS 28,00 kg 1,20 kg 10,70 kg 13,00 kg 30,00 kg 1,50 kg 11,70 kg 14,00 kg Basis ohne Verfahrweg: Verfahrweg je 100 mm: Schlitten kpl [...] 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 0,00 1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 5,00 Verfahrgeschwindigkeit [m/s] F X [N ] Fx-v-Diagramm c) Mx My Mz Momente dynamisch [N] 350 500 (700) 350 (500) 500 1000 (1300) 1000 (1300) Fx
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loadings are not permitted. nm= n1⋅q1+n2⋅q2+...+ni⋅qi l00 Average speed: n m ... Average speed in [rpm] n 1 , n 2 … Speeds in [rpm] during the interval q 1 , q 2 , ... q 1 , q 2 … Proportions of the duration [...] structure: Fm= 3√F1 3⋅ n1⋅q1 nm⋅100 +F2 3⋅ n2⋅q2 nm⋅100 + ...+Fi 3⋅ ni⋅qi nm⋅100 It should be remembered that a pre-load represents an ever-present additional load. Theoretical working life: L10=( C Fm ) 3 ⋅106 [...] direction of loading in [%] Dynamic equivalent axial load: F 1 , F 2 … Axial loads in [N] in one direction of loading during the interval q 1 , q 2 , ... F m ... Dynamic equivalent axial load Since a ball
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(390)a) Stroke M6, 12 deep 10 deep with feather key (90 additional) (90 additional) Portal Linear Drive Sigma 90-ZRS Release: 27.10.2021 Page S4 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 0,00 1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 5,00 [...] accuracy: ±0.08 mm Idle torque: 3.20 Nm Moment of inertia: Drive element: Stroke per revolution: 175 mm 2.10 ∙10-3 kgm² Toothed belt 32 AT5-E Forces and moments c) Maximum value (see diagram „FX-v-Diagram“) FX [...] Weights ZRS Basic length without stroke: 5.10 kg 100 mm stroke: 0.65 kg Entire carriage 150 mm: 2.00 kg Entire carriage 200 mm: 2.40 kg Max. total length: 8100 mm Technical Data ZRS Max. speed: 8.00 m/s
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siehe bitte: www.tuvsud.com/ps-zert Bericht Nr.: 713273969 Gültig bis: 2037-10-12 Datum, 2022-10-18 ( Ulrich Jacobs ) 2022-10-18T10:58:47+0200 TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH Certification Body Ridlerstraße 65 [...] Bescheinigung Nr. EX9A 055565 0004 Rev. 00 Seite 1 von 1 TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH ist notifizierte Stelle gemäß der Richtlinie Nr. 2014/34/EU für Geräte und Schutzsysteme zur bestimmungsgemäßen Verwendung [...] Baureihen: Beta / Delta Objekt- beschreibung: 1 USB-Stick mit technischer Dokumentation der HSB Automation GmbH, D-72766 Reutlingen, hinterlegt am 13.10.2022 bei TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH, Benannte
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** 3000 3000 Moments Dynamic [Nm] 600 1800 1800 FX FY FZ MX MY MZ D55 Dynamic [N] i = 5 :1 1800 i = 10 :1 i = 15 :1 1300 Force FX Efficiency of gears: > 96 % Technical Data AZSH Max. speed: 3.20 m/s Max [...] AZSH 15.00 kg* 1.30 kg 4.35 kg 3.70 kg 8000 mm Weights Basic length without stroke: 100 mm stroke: Carriage 320 mm: Gear D55: Max. total length: Forces and Moments (longer on request) with rack-and-pinion [...] Modul 2, 18 teeth Stroke per revolution: 120 mm Servo-high-performance-gear: DynaGear D55 Ratios: 5 / 10 / 15 Idle torque at drive pinion: Release: 30.03.2021 Portal Linear Drive Gamma 90-AZSH Page G5 Variants
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Moments Dynamic [Nm] 8000 16000 16000 FX FY FZ MX MY MZ D90 D115 Dynamic [N] i = 5 :1 4000 7500 i = 10 :1 i = 15 :1 3000 5000 Load FX Preferred gear: D90 Efficiency of gears: > 96 % Technical Data AZSS [...] without stroke: 84.70 kg* 100 mm stroke: 6.95 kg Carriage drive 600 mm: 27.80 kg Gears D90 / D115: 10.35 / 16.65 kg Max. total length: 8030 mm Forces and moments (longer on request) with rack-and-pinion [...] 20 teeth Stroke per revolution: 200 mm Servo-high-performance-gear: DynaGear D90 / D115 Ratios: 5 / 10 / 15 Idle torque at drive pinion: Total length = Stroke Strokedeep deep de ep de ep a)Data in brackets
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speed: Diameter: 50 mm Pitch: 10 / 20 mm Moment of inertia: 3000 min-1 3.45 ∙10-3 kgm²/m Special design: Spindle support with damping ring (from 4SA: extension of total length: 10 mm for every 2 SA) Spindle [...] 0 50 0 10 00 15 00 20 00 25 00 30 00 35 00 40 00 45 00 50 00 55 00 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 with ball screw (KGT) and rail guide (SSF) Forces and Moments SSF Forces Dynamic [N] 25000 5000 15000 8000 [...] stroke: 4.40 kg Entire carriage 410 mm: 25.20 kg Max. total length: 5600 mm (longer on request) SSF 1.00 m/s 20 m/s² ± 0.03 mm (KGT) Technical Data Max. total speed: Max. acceleration: Repeat accuracy:
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3,50 Nm Trägheitsmoment: Antriebselement: Verfahrweg pro Umdrehung: 220 mm 1,90 ∙10-2 kgm² 2,00 ∙10-2 kgm² Zahnriemen 50 AT10-E Kräfte und Momente ZRS ZSS Kräfte dynamisch [N] 4000 2500 5000 6000 3000 [...] nführung (ZSS) Gewichte ZRS ZSS Basis ohne Verfahrweg: 13,50 kg 15,00 kg Verfahrweg je 100 mm: 1,30 kg 1,70 kg Schlitten kpl. 320 mm: 7,00 kg 7,50 kg Schlitten kpl. 500 mm: 11,00 kg 11,70 kg Gesamtlänge [...] 0,00 1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 5,00 6,00 7,00 8,00 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 Mechanische Lineareinheit Beta 140-ZRS-ZSS mit Zahnriementrieb und Rollenführung (ZRS) oder Doppelsc
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Max. acceleration: Repeat accuracy: Idle torque: 2.50 Nm Moment of inertia: 1.20 ∙10-2 kgm² Drive element: Toothed belt 40 AT 10- E Stroke per revolution: Forces and moments d) Maximum value (see diagram [...] Release: 16.03.2021 w ith fe at he r k ey Total length = Stroke Stroke de ep deep deep deep de ep ; 10deep 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 b) Data in brackets refer to version GX Mounting elements see page B50 [...] 0,00 1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 5,00 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 Mechanical Linear Drive Beta 100-D-ASS ASS Forces Dynamic [N] 2200 1800 4000 3000 Moments Dynamic [Nm] 350 950 950 Fx d) FY FZ -FZ MX MY MZ with toothed
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O*cm -/ 10^11 Surface Resisitivity DIN IEC 60093 (DIN VDE 0303-30) ASTM D 257 O -/ 10^11 Comp. Fig. Creep. Dist. [CTI] DIN IEC 60112 (DIN VDE 0303-1) - -/ 600 Dielectric Strength [EB1] DIN EN 60243-1 (DIN [...] Stress [sY] (+23°C) ISO 527-1/-2 DIN 53455 ASTM D 638 MPa (N/mm²) 25 Yield Strain [eY] ISO 527-1/-2 DIN 53455 ASTM D 638 % 20 Tensile Stress at Break [sB] (+23°C) ISO 527-1/-2 DIN 53455 ASTM D 638 MPa [...] 60695-11-10 Class HB electrical characteristics Characteristics Standard Unit Dry / humid Dielectric Constant [e] (1 MHz) DIN IEC 60250 (DIN VDE 0303-4) ASTM D 150 - 4 Dissipation Factor [tan d] (1 MHz) DIN
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