toothed belt drive and roller guide (ARS) or double linear guide (ASS) ARS ASS 28.00 kg 30.00 kg 1.20 kg 1.50 kg 10.70 kg 11.70 kg 13.00 kg 14.00 kg 8100 mm Weights Basic length without stroke: 100 mm stroke: [...] acceleration: Repeat accuracy: Idle torque: 3.50 Nm Moment of inertia: 3.50 ∙10-2 kgm² 3.70 ∙10-2 kgm² Drive element: Toothed belt 50 AT 10-E Stroke per revolution: Forces and moments d) Maximum value (see diagram [...] 0,00 1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 5,00 6,00 7,00 8,00 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 Page B28 Release: 28.08.2024 ARS ASS Forces Dynamic [N] 2500 2500 5000 6000 3000 4000 Moments Dynamic [Nm] 350 500 500 (700)
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fe at he r k ey Total length = Stroke Stroke 10 de ep 12 deep 14 deep 10 deep 6 H7, 10 deep Portal Linear Drive Sigma 90-ARH Release: 12.04.2021 Page S6 0.00 1.50 3.00 4.50 6.00 7.50 a) Data in brackets [...] Idle torque: 2.30 Nm Moment of inertia: (rotatory) Drive element: Stroke per revolution: 150 mm 1.27 ∙10-4 kgm² Toothed belt 32 AT5-E Forces and moments b) Maximum value (see diagram „FX-v-Diagram“) FX [...] 0,00 1,50 3,00 4,50 6,00 7,50 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 Weights ARH Basic length without stroke: 7.20 kg 100 mm stroke: 0.64 kg Entire carriage 275 mm: 4.45 kg Max. total length: 8000 mm Technical
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FX FY FZ MX MY MZ Variants for gear mounting see page G29. D75 D90 Dynamic [N] i = 5 :1 2200 4000 i = 10 :1 i = 15 :1 1500 3000 Load FX Preferred gear: D75 Efficiency of gears: > 96 % Total length = Stroke [...] without stroke: 33.25 kg* 100 mm stroke: 3.00 kg Carriage 500 mm: 13.90 kg Gears D75 / D90: 6.30 / 10.50 kg Max. total length: 8000 mm Technical Data AZSS Max. speed: 5.00 m/s (D75) / 4.50 m/s (D90) Max [...] helical Drive pinion: Module 2, 30 teeth Stroke per revolution: 200 mm DynaGear D75 / D 90 Ratios: 5 / 10 / 15 Idle torque at drive pinion: Servo-high-performance- gear: Forces and moments (longer on request)
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12000 Moments Dynamic [Nm] 2500 7000 7000 FX FY FZ MX MY MZ D75 D90 Dynamic [N] i = 5 :1 2200 4000 i = 10 :1 i = 15 :1 1500 3000 Load FX Preferred gear: D90 Efficiency of gears: > 96 % Technical Data AZSH [...] AZSH 34.05 kg* 3.00 kg 14.70 kg 6.30 / 10.50 kg 8000 mm Weights Basic length without stroke: 100 mm stroke: Carriage 500 mm: Gears D75 / D90: Max. total length: Forces and moments (longer on request) with [...] helical Drive pinion: Module 2, 30 teeth Stroke per revolution: 200 mm DynaGear D75 / D 90 Ratios: 5 / 10 / 15 Idle torque at drive pinion: Servo-high-performance- gear: Total length = Stroke Stroke deep deep
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20000 Moments Dynamic [Nm] 4000 8000 8000 FX FY FZ MX MY MZ D90 D115 Dynamic [N] i = 5 :1 4000 7500 i = 10 :1 i = 15 :1 3000 5000 Load FX Preferred gear: D115 Technical Data AZSH Max. speed: 4.50 m/s (D90) [...] length without stroke: 53.90 kg* 100 mm stroke: 4.80 kg Carriage 550 mm: 21.60 kg Gears D90 / D115: 10.35 / 16.65 kg Max. total length: 8020 mm Forces and moments (longer on request) with rack-and-pinion [...] helical Drive pinion: Module 3, 20 teeth Stroke per revolution: 200 mm DynaGear D90 / D115 Ratios: 5 / 10 / 15 Idle torque at drive pinion: Servo-high-performance- gear: Efficiency of gears: > 96 % Total length
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20000 Moments Dynamic [Nm] 4000 8000 8000 FX FY FZ MX MY MZ D90 D115 Dynamic [N] i = 5:1 4000 7500 i = 10:1 i = 15:1 3000 5000 Load FX Preferred gear: D90 Efficiency of gears: > 96 % Technical Data AZSS [...] length without stroke: 52.70 kg* 100 mm stroke: 4.80 kg Carriage 550 mm: 20.40 kg Gears D90 / D115: 10.35 / 16.65 kg Max. total length: 8020 mm Forces and moments (longer on request) with rack-and-pinion [...] 20 teeth Stroke per revolution: 200 mm Servo-high-performance-gear: DynaGear D90 / D115 Ratios: 5 / 10 / 15 Idle torque at drive pinion: Total length = Stroke Stroke deep deep de ep deep * inclusive standard
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moment: 3,15 ·10-3 kgm² Zahnriemen 32 AT10 Trägheitsmoment: Antriebselement: 210 mmVerfahrweg pro Umdrehung: 60 m/s² 5,00 m/s b) 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 0,00 1,00 2,00 3,00 4 [...] 4,00 5,00 Verfahrgeschwindigkeit [m/s] F X [N ] Fx-v-Diagramm Gewichte ZSS 10,90 kg 1,00 kg Basis ohne Verfahrweg: Verfahrweg je 100 mm: Schlitten kpl. 200 mm: Schlitten kpl. 350 mm: Gesamtlänge max.: 8100 [...] Seite G1 Stand: 28.08.2024 mit Zahnriementrieb und Doppelschienenführung (ZSS) Portal-Lineareinheit Gamma 90-ZSS b) Maximalwert (siehe „FX-v-Diagramm“) Werte in Klammern beziehen sich auf lange Schlittenplatte
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hrung (ZSS) Gewichte ZRS ZSS Basis ohne Verfahrweg: 5,50 kg 6,10 kg Verfahrweg je 100 mm: 0,60 kg 0,85 kg Schlitten kpl. 210 mm: 2,10 kg 1,80 kg Schlitten kpl. 270 mm: 2,70 kg 2,30 kg Gesamtlänge max.: [...] Wiederholgenauigkeit: ± 0,08 mm Leerlaufdrehmoment: 1,50 Nm Trägheitsmoment: Antriebselement: Verfahrweg pro Umdrehung: 220 mm 3,30 ∙10-3 kgm² 3,00 ∙10-3 kgm² Zahnriemen 32 AT5-E Kräfte und Momente ZRS ZSS [...] 0,00 1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 5,00 6,00 7,00 8,00 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 Mechanische Lineareinheit Beta 80-ZRS-ZSS mit Zahnriementrieb und Rollenführung (ZRS) oder Schienenführung
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Technische Daten: X-Achse: v = 3,0 m/s, a = 10 m/s2, m = 65 kg Z-Achse: v = 1,0 m/s, a = 5 m/s2, m = 30 kg Aufbau: Gestell: Stahlbaugestell kundenseitig X-Achse: 1 Stück HSB-gamma ® 160-ZSS mit zwei Schli [...] Pleuelhandling 1 Kurzbeschreibung: Dreiachs-Flächenportal zur Handhabung von Pleuel. Diese werden vom Transportband abgeholt und in ein Bearbeitungszentrum eingelegt. Verfahrwege: x = 1500 mm z = 700 mm
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revolution Stroke Total length Accessories EO2 / EO10 = Inductive limit switch NC with 2m / 10m cable fitted ES2 / ES10 = Inductive limit switch NO with 2m / 10m cable fitted EMS / EMB = Mechanical limit switch [...] Standard 1 = Special (add specification description) Additional information Gear size and ratio (D55 to D115 / i = 5 to i = 15) Gear mounting (for example XD) Gear mounting Gear side: B Gear version (1L): X [...] Example: Gamma 160-AZSS-M2-200-1000-1630-2EO2-8NS6-1 Product Unit size Drive AZ = Rack-and-pinion drive Guide system S = Rail guide Model S = Standard (Horizontal) H = Lifting axis (Vertical) Drive sp
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